The APG II system does not recognize a group called "paleodicots" but assigns these early-diverging dicots to several orders and unplaced families: Amborellaceae, Nymphaeaceae (including Cabombaceae), Austrobaileyales, Ceratophyllales (not included among the "paleodicots" by Leitch et al. 1998), Chloranthaceae, and the magnoliid clade (orders Canellales, Piperales, Laurales, and Magnoliales). Subsequent research has added Hydatellaceae to the paleodicots.1
Although APG does not formally recognize paleodicots, for the purpose of this page and display purposes we are using the broader term here in the EEB Greenhouses.
data regenerated on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 02:13:40 -0500
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