Habitat: meso-mediterranean area - cool, wet winters followed by hot summers
Description: A species of flightless, ant-mimicking fly requires Cephalotus pitchers to rear its young. They don't seem to mind growing up in the digestive enzymes of the pitchers and to this date, their larvae have been found living nowhere else.4
Culture: In nature, Cephalotus mainly grows in a mixture of sand, grass, and peat while dieting on mainly crawling insects such as ants.
USDA Zone: 9-10
Accession Data:
Accession # 200400281
Source: Matt Opel ex Jeff Matteson NECPS
Accession Date: 11-19-2004
Bench: 2309 - Temperate Carnivores
Currently: active - healthy
Qty: 3 confirmed on 07-16-2024
IUCN Red List: Species Vulnerable or Habitat Critically Threatened
W/C = Wild Collected = indicates flowering in past 14 days
= images available for this accession
= map available for this accession
= accession added within past 90 days