2782 accessions in the General Collections
4830 individual plants under cultivation
- 286 families are represented
- 236 angiosperm families are represented
- 1287 genera are represented
- 1172 angiosperm genera are represented
- 477 are documented wild collected specimens
- 52 have voucher specimens deposited in CONN
IUCN Red List Status (2013):CITES Status:
- CITES I: 27
- CITES II: 413
91 added in the past year
1061 verified in the past 60 days
194 used in UConn classes in the past 12 months
100 used in outreach activities in the past 12 months
129 sent to other institutions in the past 12 months
0 treated for pests in the past 30 days {
Public Collections only}
3733 accession images are in the database
2886 distribution maps are in the database
data regenerated on Mon, 11 Nov 2024 02:05:02 -0500