Description: A deciduous tree, native to Asia and tropical America. It is planted in warm temperate and tropical regions around the world. The bead tree has also been known to survive in areas north of Zone 7b. The tree has medical uses and the wood is used for carpentry. Also known as Chinaberry, Pride-of-India, Pride-of-China, Persian Lilac, Indian L., Paradise Tree, Syrian B.T. , and Japanese B.T.
USDA Zone: 5-9
Accession Data:
Accession # 199800136
Source: Smith BG - '97 Index Seminum
Accession Date: 09-28-1998
Bench: 1219 - AUS:South Bench E
Currently: active - healthy
Qty: 3 confirmed on 10-05-2024
Poisonous Plant Parts - Not for Human Consumption Fruits are poisonous to humans if eaten in quantity. The toxins are neurotoxins and unidentified resins, found mainly in the fruits.
W/C = Wild Collected = indicates flowering in past 14 days
= images available for this accession
= map available for this accession
= accession added within past 90 days